Gingered Honey Salmon

Ginger, garlic powder and green onion blend nicely in an easy marinade that gives pleasant flavor to salmon. We also like to use this versatile mixture when grilling chicken, but we've found it tastes even better when marinated in the fridge overnight.


  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 salmon fillet (1-1/2 pounds and 3/4 inch thick)


  • 1

    Coat grill rack with cooking spray before starting the grill.

  • 2

    In a bowl, combine the first six ingredients; mix well. Set aside 1/3 cup for basting; cover and refrigerate.

  • 3

    Pour remaining marinade into a large resealable plastic bag or shallow glass container; add salmon and turn to coat.

  • 4

    Seal or cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes, turning once or twice.

  • 5

    Drain and discard marinade. Place salmon skin side down on grill. Grill, covered, over medium-hot heat for 5 minutes.

  • 6

    Baste with reserved marinade.

  • 7

    Grill 10-15 minutes longer or until fish flakes easily with a fork, basting frequently. Yield: 4-6 servings.

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  • Gà Rô Ti

    Cuối tuần bạn băn khoăn không biết nên trổ tài gì chiêu đãi cả nhà. Mách nhỏ bạn với món gà rô ti thơm lừng, hấp dẫn mà cực dễ làm. Món này vô cùng "dễ tính", dùng chung với cơm, bánh mỳ hay thậm chí là bánh bao hấp vẫn ngon tuyệt vời! .

    JAN 2023